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Planning Board Minutes 11/27/06
November 27, 2006
4:30 pm

Present: Bill Meegan, Chair, John Flender, Janet Weidner, Tim Lasker, Rich Osnoss,
             Mitch Posin, Rusty Walton, Lisa Specht, Administrative Assistant

Bill Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30 pm.

The Planning Board Minutes of November 13, 2006 were amended and approved as amended.

1.      Fotis Subdivision:(Map 18- Lots 49.1 & 49.2
The release forms for lots 49.1 and 49.2 were revised to indicate a change in the lot line between the two parcels that was done in 1999.  The Planning Board signed the revised forms.
2.      Fischer Youth Lot:
      Mr. Meegan read a letter from Andrew Fischer to the Zoning Board of Appeals in
     regard to renting his property, which has been designated a youth lot.  The Zoning
     Board of Appeals has allowed Mr. Fischer to rent the property, but has required       
      him to meet with the ZBA in the fall of each successive year.  The Planning
      Board will take no action on this matter.
3.      Massachusetts Scenic/Historic Roadways Survey:
The Planning Board received a survey from the University of Massachusetts on Scenic/Historic Roadways.  There was discussion about whether or not Chilmark had any designated scenic/historic roadways. By the state’s definition of scenic or historic roadways the town does not have any designated scenic or historic roadways.  The survey was filled out indicating that all roads in Chilmark are covered by the roadside district bylaw.

4.      Other Business:
Newspaper advertising – Billy contacted the Gazette in regard to the number of Chilmark residents who subscribe to the Gazette.  In August the subscription number is over three hundred in the 02535 zip code. In November it drops to two hundred.  The Gazette also has a larger off-island readership than the Martha’s Vineyard Times.  There was a motion to continue using the Vineyard Gazette for advertising, it was seconded and passed unanimously.

Rusty Walton showed the Board a Massachusetts Endangered Species Act Topographical map showing that much of Chilmark could be considered endangered habitat under the states designation. The Planning Board members
questioned how this designation would affect future subdivisions in the town.  Rusty Walton volunteered to inquire about a certain location on Quenames Road.

Tim Lasker nominated Rich Osnoss as Chairman of the Planning Board when Chairman Meegan steps down on January 1, 2007.  Rusty seconded and it was passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 6 pm.